Access Consciousness
& Bars
What is Access Consciousness®?
At its very core, Access Consciousness is a method that empowers people so they can help themselves. Over the last 30 years, it has contributed to changing the lives of tens of thousands of people in more than 170 countries.
The tools and techniques of Access Consciousness are available to everyone and can be included in your everyday life. They focus on your knowledge about yourself and the world around you. Besides, nobody – except you personally – can know what truly works for you.
Access Consciousness is based upon the idea that you are not wrong, that you know, and that consciousness can shift anything.
While other modalities clear the limitations that are built around words, Access clears the energy beneath those words.
Access tools and processes were pioneered by Gary Douglas and what we know as Access today was co-created with Dr Dain Heer.

“No problem is solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
— Einstein
What is Access Bars®?
Access Bars is a gentle, non-invasive technique that works on releasing both physical and mental blocks stored within the body and helps to facilitate greater ease in all different areas of life.
There are 32 points on the head which, when activated, can help facilitate reduction in stress and trauma throughout the body, and increase positive attitudes toward life. When lightly touched, the Bars points stimulate a positive neurological response inside the recipient. This appears to trigger the body’s natural ability to heal and facilitate the physiological changes required for greater wellbeing.
A Bars session usually goes for 60 to 90 minutes and is done fully clothed.
The effects of Access Bars are scientifically verified, is individual to each person, and differs from session to session.
Benefits of Access Bars
Access Bars has many benefits. First and foremost, it can allow you to function from a place of awareness instead of being on auto-pilot.
Bars sessions have been shown to:
Improve overall physical health
Offer greater mental clarity
Help reduce levels of stress
Improve motivation and ease communication
Increase feelings of joy, happiness, gratitude, kindness and peace
Invite greater intuitive awareness
Improve mental health, such as reduced symptoms of depression, panic attacks, ADD, ADHD and OCD
The impacts of experiencing deeper relaxation can also have positive effects on migraines and insomnia.
See frequently asked questions for details of the scientific research that has shown how Bars can significantly decrease depression and anxiety, plus other research articles.
What to expect from a Bars session
Access Bars can allow you to function from a place of awareness instead of being on auto-pilot.
When you receive an Access Bars session with Kerry, you will lie on a massage table fully clothed. Blankets and pillows are provided for your comfort.
Kerry will then lightly touch the 32 Bars points on your head in a predetermined sequence. The experience is often described as being like a defragging of the brain, much like when you defrag a computer to remove unwanted files.
The whole session lasts 90 minutes.
You may wish to talk through the session or be silent, it’s up to you. You may even drift off to sleep. It’s common for thoughts, beliefs and emotions to arise and it can be useful to discuss them. As needed, Kerry suggests different Access Consciousness tools and processes through the session to facilitate a shift and move in the energy.
Get in touch if you’d like to find out more about Bars or to book a session with Kerry.

Become a Bars Practitioner
Kerry runs one-day Bars classes in the Great Southern region for those interested in becoming a Bars Practitioner.
As a Bars Practitioner, you can ‘run the Bars’ for your family, friends and even paying clients. You can also attend the weekly Bars swaps that Kerry arranges in Albany, or arrange shares yourself with other Bars Practitioners.
Get in touch to go on the waiting list for the next Bars class or to find out more.